Friday, September 13, 2024

The use of coatings in the production of precision optics makes all the difference to delivering consistent, successful results. Coatings protect the lens for additional processing. Once complete, they are sacrificed to yield the finished lens.

Adhesives are charged with a variety of functions in the manufacturing process. Many are used to adhere pads, like our own LP UNALON line, to tooling. Epoxies provide structural integrity during generating, grinding and polishing operations, and are easily removed upon completion. Specially formulated for precision optics manufacturing, epoxies like Universal X-19 can replace blocking wax and pitch. At UPI you'll also find a broad selection of high-tack, high-coverage, and fast drying adhesives to permanently affix foils, lightweight foams, plastics, cloth, and more to a variety of base materials.

If you do not see what you're looking for, or have questions specific to an application, please contact our expert technical team.