Tuesday, July 2, 2024

May 2022

Our commitment to bring the very best surfacing materials, technology and service to our customers remains steadfast through any and all global circumstances.

The world has made significant advances in the fight against Covid-19, helping to blunt its impact, yet we know it remains an ongoing and unpredictable pandemic. Many other developments add to the challenges of today’s world - supply chain delays, inflation, war in Ukraine, to name a few.

While we respect the challenges these circumstances present, it drives UPI to redouble our effort and increase our commitment by continuing to provide the very best in service and technology critical to so many essential industries.

UPI is grateful to our customers, employees and partners in supporting our mission to provide the Science of Surfacing to the world. Our 96 year history, combined with the most advanced materials, technical resources and talented people, will enable us to meet the challenges of the next century.

Neil Johnson