Over 7,000 products to meet the requirements of any surfacing application and the technical expertise for complete processing solutions. Call us directly 516.935.4000 or in the US, 800.645.7173. |
Simple, inexpensive devices supply water or coolant through the center of core drills.
Description | Image | Brochure | Product Sheet | Tech Data | MSDS | OPS Archive |
STANDARD FEED | | | | | | |
LARGE FEED | | | | | | |
Specially manufactured diamond drills suitable for glass, tile, porcelain, onyx, marble, sapphire, ceramics, and other non-metallic materials.
Description | Image | Brochure | Product Sheet | Tech Data | MSDS | OPS Archive |
CORE DRILLS | | | | | | |
Description | Image | Brochure | Product Sheet | Tech Data | MSDS | OPS Archive |
METAL BOND | | | | | ______ | |
RESIN BOND | | | | | ______ | |
Broad selection of multi-purpose abrasive dressing sticks popular for breaking sharp edges, dressing diamond tool cutting surfaces, and general hand abrasive work.
Accurately graded diamond particles, resin-bonded to waterproof and oil proof cloth backing insures flexibility to conform to non-flat surfaces and long life.
Description | Image | Brochure | Product Sheet | Tech Data | MSDS | OPS Archive |
UNILAP DIAMOND CLOTH | | | | ______ | ______ | |
Ultra-fine, uniformly coated, abrasive film product designed for polishing and lapping applications in ceramic, electronic, metal, optics, and lapidary industries.
Suited for superfine glass, sapphire and ceramics. Wide variety of sizes and matrix compositions accommodate all phases of pellet grinding applications.
Description | Image | Brochure | Product Sheet | Tech Data | MSDS | OPS Archive |
PELLETS | | | | ______ | ______ | |
Diamond wheels provide many processing efficiencies: reduced operating time, better surface finishes in grinding sintered carbide, glass ceramics, ferrite and other hard metals.